Nascom Ltd
    Nascom Ltd, is a company registered in England involved in other education n.e.c.. It is company number 15408252. Nascom Ltd, was founded on 12th January 2024. The company's directors are as follows: David Schwinger, is a British resident of England and holds the role of director. Sarah Schwinger, is a British resident of England and holds the role of director. Nascom Ltd, was started too recently to file any accounts with Companies House.

    Activity: Other education n.e.c.

    Address: 2nd Floor - Parkgates Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 0TL, England,

    Incoporated: 12 Jan 2024

    Company no.: 15408252

    Company Status: Active

    Account category: No Accounts Filed

    Employees: Unknown

    Turnover: Unknown

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    Copyright © Find Me Sales Ltd 2024. Find Me Sales is a limited company incorporated in England, company registration number 13664185, registered address: 86-90 Paul Street, London, England, United Kingdom, EC2A 4NE.

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